Our Lean Culture
We Are Lean!
We bring innovative thinking and innovative IP Solutions to our clients. Our clients can expect high quality work due to our substantial investment in Lean processes, procedures, standardized quality checks and innovative, custom built software. Establishing and building a Lean culture is the foundation on which we’ve built our day-to-day IP and technology practices. We know that continuous improvement of our standard operation processes, workflows and superior client service is critical to our clients’ success and to our success!
What is Lean?
Lean is a system that optimizes people, resources, effort and energy to maximize value for our clients. In a Lean system, all people are highly skilled problem solvers who think continually of ways to make the system run more smoothly and productively. We focus on Lean principles including process standardization/documentation, continuous improvement, elimination of waste, implementation of mistake proofing tools, visual workflow management, effective problem solving, and leader standard work. Our team has collaborated to create more than 60 procedures to streamline our IP services. We are always thinking of new and innovative ways to better serve our clients.
PatFlow is a firm-wide custom built software tool that provides our team real-time access to view all projects including U.S. and foreign patent matters in a kanban style display with upcoming deadlines, progress, and budgeting information. This is a visual workflow management tool that allows our team to track the progress of each matter in real time and facilitate coordination between team members handling each phase. It is just one example of software we have built to facilitate executing Lean processes in a paperless service environment.