Our Commitment to the Community
Pauly, DeVries Smith & Deffner is Committed to Our Community
We believe we have a responsibility to the community in which we live and work. With a wealth of legal knowledge, experience, and skills, we offer highly personalized counsel and dedicated support to pro bono clients and through volunteer work. Through pro bono work, board membership and other leadership positions and involvement, our attorneys and staff strive to ensure that everyone has access to the legal system and make a positive difference in our local community.
We Make a Difference
Our professionals donate hundreds of pro bono hours to representing and advising low-income clients through the Volunteer Lawyers Network and The Advocates for Human Rights.
Our focus on housing law through involvement with the Volunteer Lawyers Network helps many clients avoid homelessness and preserve scarce resources for their most basic needs.
Our professionals donate pro bono services in patent law through the LegalCORPS Inventor Assistance Program.
Our professionals have contributed their technical knowledge to projects and volunteer in leadership and coaching positions with numerous youth organizations.
We encourage financial support of charitable organizations by matching employee contributions.